Christmas is coming…
It is the time of year when we remember the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, the saviour who gave up all his heavenly comforts to enter this world as a tiny baby, lived out his early years as an obedient and sinless child, his adult life as a lowly carpenter. Who rocked the world with his three years of ministry, the Son of Man bridging the gap between God and man, calling people to repent and turn to God. Who died on the cross to bring forgiveness to all men, the timeless God, subjecting himself to the cruelest death for our sakes.
O Come let us adore him
As we come to remember him this Christmas, join with us in our online services on our youtube channel, or list to our sermons from the website.
1stSunday Advent: 29th November What is God like? (Mary’s Song)
2nd Sunday Advent: 6th December Why do you need God? (Zechariah’s Song)
3rd Sunday Advent: 13th December How did God come? (The Angel’s Song)
Carol Service: 20th December How did God do it? (Simeon’s Song)
Christmas Day: 25th December Christmas Day Service

All services available via our Sharnbrook Church YouTube Channel.