What's been happening?
What has been happening in the life of the church over the last few month? Here are just a few of the things have been going on.
Operation Christmas Child
Every year we have people filling shoeboxes to go to various locations throughout the world to bring a gift to children in poverty at Christmas. There is still time to fill a box and bring it to church - the deadline to bring boxes is 13th November 2022.
Alternatively you can go to the Operation Christmas child website for more information on where you can return a box, or to donate online so a box can be filled.
Contagious Max East

Several of our young people attend the Contagious conference each year, and this year was no exception. You can find out more about Contagious by clicking the image above.
Bring and share Harvest Lunch
We enjoyed a fellowship lunch together for our harvest service on 9th October 2022 as we celebrated the good things God has given us.